S1 - Episode #4: Clemens Peters - Technical Team Lead, Honest Food


About Clemens:

Clemens Peters is currently a Technical Team Lead at Honest Food, part of the Delivery Hero Group. He has 10 years experience working in successful start-ups, creating products, building teams and helping to innovate.


During this episode Clemens describes his career and discusses why he joined Honest Food and why he decided to pursue a Masters degree. He talks about several tools he’s successfully used in his team from Heroku to Kubernetes and Datadog. Finally, whether you’re a CTO or an Engineer, he offers his advice on how to choose your next start-up. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Treating everyone you come across in your career well

  • The importance of bringing in experts to help with specialists areas of your technical architecture

  • How to successfully deliver a cloud migration

  • Managing teams remotely and keeping the connected

  • His experience in moving from a monolithic to micro-service architecture

  • Making your team and company more collaborative and efficient

Episode Outline:

[00:55] Introduction to Clemens and his career so far

[05:40] Why Clemens joined his first start-up and his first 6-12 months

[08:40] Main learnings in his role as Technical Lead

[11:11} Deciding to pursue a Masters course

[15:00] Improving his analytical skills through further learning

[16:55] Advice to technologists choosing a start-up to join

[22:23] Biggest challenges in the first year in his current role

[24:25] Choosing a cloud services provider - Heroku/ GCP/ AWS/ Azure

[27:00} The power of Kubernetes

[29:10] Successfully managing a cloud migration

[33:30] Potential advantages of moving from a monolithic to micro-service architecture

[37:50] Introduction to Datadog and why Clemens chose to use it

[41:35] Cultivating learning and development in engineering teams

[50:55] Designing an interview process to test for culture fit and find the best people

[53:26] Challenges of working in and managing a remote team

[57:50] Clemen’s role at Honest Food and his role in knowledge sharing, choice of tooling and technology

[01:02:30] The biggest challenges in technology right now

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